Tuesday, August 12, 2008

i felt infinite

last saturday i saw sisterhood of the traveling pants with my pink lipped grandma and my favorite workout-aholic. we laughed when her wrinkled eyelids drifted shut before the previews were over and ate our low calorie popcorn we snuck in our purses. watching those four best friends on the screen took me back to days when i thought best friends were forever. maybe they are. maybe we will come back to eachother and realize all the times we have missed out on, realize that our laughs still sound the same. but for now we all look at pictures from those crazy sophmore nights when we wore red lipstick and war paint under our innocent eyes and we yearn for something we never realized we were leaving behind. we yearn for the memories that have become pictures that we look back at on sunny days when the house is quiet and we feel loneliness in every corner of our minds. we have all spun off in different directions but i have faith in best friends and boomerangs,
they will always come back.
after the movie i let those tight french braids my sister wove into my scalp that morning unravel and go wild. my hair was a jungle of corn colored waves and i let it hang while i put coral colored chanel lip gloss on my lips and waited for two blue eyed blondies to pick me up. we sped off to your house and oh that august wind felt so good on my face. the festival that night was a blur of pretty girls and drunk old men and funnel cake sugar sticking to the corners of my mouth. we laughed and posed for pictures and in the end i had to lay down on the pavement and look at the stars because all those stands and rides and voices were overwhelming.
later that week when the concerts were done and the festivals were over we drove around in your car and pretended we had a destination. we didn't. we were driving to nowhere and i know it sounds dumb but when you turned dave matthews on and put the windows down and rubbed your thumb over my hand,
i felt infinite.