Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Greatest Artist of All Time

Sizzling spiced hamburger and melted cheese, today I made my first enchilada. Dominating the kitchen in my best friends sweat pants and sweet smells of mexico fill this house. Sitting alone and smiling because tommorow I will finally get to run into my mothers arms again. Tommorow I will remmember how gently she held me- how breakable I was all this time. Yes I am fragile but oh, I did not break. I did not shatter. I stood tall knowing that I can do this on my own. I can write poetry in the chandelier glow that lights my nights of insomnia and soak up musicals about unrequited love in the sands of ancient Egypt. I can ride a bike down gravel roads in a floppy pink hat and freestyle rap about wasted weekends under my breath as I fly by wrinkled strangers who stare. I can find sanctuary in books with tattered pages and open my eyes to the love that I am being showered with. Because I have stopped worrying,wishing,regretting,aching about tommorow’s lovely trials and yesterdays dirty words. I have stopped wondering what could have been and what might be- its all inconsequential. What matters is the windchimes singing through this open window and the newly born enchiladas sitting on an oak table in the other room. What matters is these words, because they are here. Right now. In a moment they will be nothing but a memory- a pretty inspiration that struck before dinner but right now they are infinite. Right now they are flowing from my fingers with a life and a soul all their own. I can breathe again because I know that all of these dead ends have lead me to a masterpiece. I can stop worrying because every second of my world is a piece of art that can never be duplicated. I can find peace because the greatest artist of all time is painting a masterpiece. And I am living it out.

Today a pretty blonde boy restored my faith in our generation.

Thank you.

It was fading fast.


turquoise cro said...

are YOU in your mother's arms yet sweetie??!!!! Wish I could go bike riding with you! HAPPY Wednesday! xoCinda

nici said...

Girl, you so rock! Welcome Home!

adelita said...

This you-go-girl is from a secret member of your cheering squad.