Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Insomniac attack

Three AM again and insomnia is winning, tired of battling with stiff sheets and creaking floorboards
this computer is my neon escape from open eyed nightmares and shoving my face with hawaiin chocolates hidden under the stove in the kitchen
theres a man that lives next door who stands in the street naked and peeks through open blinds
i see him in his truck in the mornings and his green eyes give me goodbumps because that is the kind of world that we live in
lost naked men in the middle of the road. i dont know weather to laugh or cover the eyes of every child I've ever loved.
I want more than anything to fall asleep and dream of a revolution.


Bill Luby said...

One vote for laughter...or more chocolates.

I like the meter of your prose. Keep it coming.

Eugene Jackson said...

I like your creativity. Very nice page !!

Anonymous said...

I love the way you put words together. So beautiful!

Angela Marie said...

Initially, I think I would laugh, because that is just plain ol' weird and something you would just see in a off beat (no pun intended) movie! Then you are absolutely right, it is not a movie, and there are children, and well, people to be concerned about! I think then I would probably report him.

But.. stay clear of him!


Angela Marie said...

Initially, I think I would laugh, because that is just plain ol' weird and something you would just see in a off beat (no pun intended) movie! Then you are absolutely right, it is not a movie, and there are children, and well, people to be concerned about! I think then I would probably report him.

But.. stay clear of him!
